The Apple Music web player is pretty similar to the native music app for Android & iOS, and it will sync by default your previously saved playlists and library as long as you sign in using an Apple ID. Listening to Apple Music for Web subscribers is also a good choice if you are unwilling to have a clunky Apple Music app installed on your Chromebook. Get Apple Music for Chromebook via Apple Music Web Player Then, log in with your Apple ID to access millions of songs on your Chromebook. You can skip this step if you already subscribe. Once the installation is done, open the Apple Music App to make a subscription. Go to Google Play, then search for the Apple Music app to download it. Here's how you can listen to Apple Music songs on Chromebook by using the Android app. That being said, you now are able to install Apple Music for Android on your Chromebook to get your Apple Music playlists freely. Thanks to the updated Chrome OS, your Chromebook supports running a wide variety of android apps natively. In fact, Apple has already officially released an Android version of Apple Music for many years. Enjoy Apple Music on Chromebook via Android App Listen to Apple Music Offline Freely on Chromebook